Ancient ‘Chinese Pyramids’ Were Built in Alignment with the North Star
China has a collection of Pyramids. There are approximately forty of them, and they were ...
China has a collection of Pyramids. There are approximately forty of them, and they were ...
Due to China's relative secrecy, any find, especially an unexpected one obtained as a result ...
The Mysterious Pyramids of Northwest China China never ceases to captivate the world with its ...
Scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences have achieved something extraordinary—detecting unusual atmospheric activity over ...
Let's face it, for archaeology and history lovers, seeing ancient monuments such as the Sphinx ...
Without the technological impact we have today, how did so many ancient civilizations achieve greatness, ...
In a surprising turn of events, highway construction workers stumbled upon a stunning piece of ...
I have been saying that a fine line divides mythology from facts for quite some ...
People love conspiracy theories. Even more, we all love mysterious items of unknown origins that ...
"Sometimes I'll pick up the "heart of the jungle" fossil on my bookshelf, or pull ...
If you ask anyone which ancient monument impresses him the most, chances are they will ...
At a depth of 25 meters off the coast of the western Japanese island of ...
One thousand fourteen years ago, ancient civilizations witnessed the brightest supernova explosion in recorded history. ...