Scientists believe that quantum mechanics will help humankind take the next step into the future. But they also believe that if there are extraterrestrial civilizations, then some might have evolved to the point where quantum mechanics are deeply embedded in their lives. Experts believe that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations might have taken quantum mechanics to a new level, one we can only dream of now. The researchers explain in their research paper, published in the preprint server arXiv, that it does not really matter how advanced a civilization is or how different its particle composition and chemistry are from ours.
The laws of quantum physics and gravity unify us. These laws tell us that the most efficient stores of quantum information are black holes. “Although our recent studies show that, theoretically, devices created by non-gravitational interactions can exist that also saturate information storage capacity, black holes are the clear champions. Consequently, any sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) is expected to use them for information storage and processing,” the researchers wrote.
Extraterrestrial civilizations and black holes
This idea builds on the work of Nobel Prize winner Roger Penrose. Sir Penrose proposed that unlimited energy could be extracted from a black hole by tapping into the ergosphere— a region that lies just outside the event horizon. There, infalling matter forms a disk accelerating to almost the speed of light and emits enormous amounts of radiation.
Previously, scientists have suggested that this may be the ultimate power source for advanced ETIs. They could take advantage of it either by feeding a supermassive black hole with matter and harnessing the resulting radiation or by harnessing the energy they already emit.
These ideas are based on the notions that: a) the advancement of a civilization is directly related to its level of computational performance and b) that certain universal markers of computational advancement can be used as potential technology signatures for SETI.
Astronomers believe that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations could be using miniature black holes as quantum computers. They believe that these objects give off a specific signature, one we could probably identify from Earth.
Black holes and Quantum Computers
The scientists behind the latest research paper suggest that, by using the principles of quantum mechanics, black holes could be the most efficient capacitors for quantum information. However, they also explain that the black holes that are hypothetically used by such advanced civilizations are likely artificial in nature and miniature in size. The researchers explain that by analyzing simple scaling properties of information recovery time, it would be highly beneficial for advanced extraterrestrial intelligences to invest energy in creating groups of microscopic black holes instead of using a few big ones. The researchers explain that microscopic black holes will radiate much more intensity and therefore have a much higher energy spectrum of Hawking radiations. Secondly, such miniature black holes must be “constructed” by high-energy particle collisions in acceleration. This construction profiles another high-energy radiation source.
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