For decades, scientists have marveled at Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), a black hole four million times the mass of our Sun, quietly sitting at the heart of our galaxy. Despite its relatively calm nature compared to other supermassive black holes, it occasionally unleashes bursts of energy known as flares. These events, spanning multiple wavelengths of light, offer vital clues about the extreme physics surrounding black holes. But one major piece of the puzzle had remained elusive—until now.
First Infrared Glimpse of Sgr A*’s Flare
Astronomers have long studied Sgr A*’s flares in near-infrared, submillimeter, and radio wavelengths. These observations painted a detailed picture of how material and magnetic fields interact around the black hole. The key process, known as magnetic reconnection, occurs when magnetic field lines snap and reconnect, releasing immense energy. This process accelerates electrons to nearly the speed of light, producing what’s called synchrotron radiation.
Yet, one critical wavelength range—mid-infrared (MIR)—had never been observed during a flare. This gap left scientists wondering: Could something significant be happening in that missing range?
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has finally filled in the gap. For the first time, astronomers observed a flare in the mid-infrared spectrum using JWST, with supporting observations from the Submillimeter Array (SMA). The flare appeared in MIR first, followed by submillimeter light about 10 minutes later. This sequence aligns with existing synchrotron models, confirming long-held theories while sparking new questions.
Unlocking Hidden Layers of Black Hole Physics
Dr. Sebastiano D. von Fellenberg of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy highlighted the significance of the findings:
“Our research indicates that there may be a connection between the observed millimeter variability and the observed MIR flare emission.”
This connection bridges a 20-year gap in understanding, as explained by Dr. Joseph Michail, a co-author and NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory: “For over 20 years, we’ve known what happens in the radio and near-infrared ranges, but the connection between them was never 100% clear. This new observation in mid-IR fills in that gap.”
The findings also hint at more mysteries to uncover. Magnetic reconnection and turbulence within the black hole’s accretion disk remain poorly understood, and this observation opens a new path for investigating these processes.
A New Frontier for Black Hole Research
Sgr A* isn’t the only black hole that could benefit from this multiwavelength approach. M87*, the first black hole to be imaged by the Event Horizon Telescope, offers another tantalizing target. By applying this technique to other supermassive black holes, researchers hope to uncover universal patterns in these cosmic giants’ behavior.
As Dr. von Fellenberg explains: “This first-ever mid-IR detection, and the variability seen with the SMA, has not only filled a gap in our understanding of what has caused the flare in Sgr A* but has also opened a new line of important inquiry.”
Dr. Michail adds a compelling question: “What’s really behind the flare’s variable emission? There’s a wealth of knowledge stored up inside this black hole’s region just waiting for us to access it.”
The study, presented at the American Astronomical Society’s 245th conference and accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, paves the way for a deeper understanding of black holes, their magnetic environments, and the turbulent processes that power their flares.