The academic year has just started at Harvard University, and Professor Avi Loeb is teaching “Radiative Processes in Astrophysics.” This course, mandatory for all graduate students in Harvard’s Astronomy Department, delves into five surprising coincidences in physics that provide unique insights into the nature of the universe.
A Cosmic Classroom Beyond Astronomy
What sets this class apart is that it’s the only required course for all graduate students in Harvard’s Astronomy Department. This year, the number of attendees has tripled, attracting not only astronomy students but also undergraduates and scholars from the Chemistry and Physics departments, as well as neighboring institutions like MIT. The course covers electromagnetism, a key force for interpreting data gathered from telescopes.
In an era where astronomers have started to use new messengers like gravitational waves—ripples in spacetime caused by colossal events like black hole collisions—understanding these radiative processes is more crucial than ever. Professor Loeb emphasizes that while electromagnetism is vital, gravity plays a unique role in detecting dark entities such as black holes and dark matter.
Unveiling the Universe’s Mysteries
Gravity is the weakest of the fundamental forces, so why does it dominate in space? The reason lies in how electric charges work. Protons have a strong electrical repulsion, which is 1 followed by 36 zeros (a number so large it’s hard to imagine) times stronger than gravity. However, positive and negative charges cancel each other out over long distances, weakening the electromagnetic force. On the other hand, gravity, which is only caused by positive mass, has no opposing force. This allows it to control the structure of galaxies and the movement of stars and planets.
Imagine a universe where negative masses exist. Such a reality would upend our understanding of physics, potentially allowing for phenomena as exotic as time machines. While this remains in the realm of science fiction, it underscores the fascinating peculiarities that emerge when we probe the fundamentals of our universe.
Five Surprising Coincidences in Physics
In his latest Mdoum blog post, Professor Loeb highlights several intriguing coincidences that not only pique curiosity but also shed light on the intricate tapestry of physical laws:
- Dimensional Dependence of Radiation Pressure: The pressure exerted by an isotropic radiation field is one-third of its energy density because we live in three spatial dimensions. In a universe with four spatial dimensions, this ratio would shift to one-fourth. This relationship isn’t just mathematical—it influences how radiation and matter interact on a fundamental level.
- Evolution of Human Vision: Our eyes are attuned to visible light because it’s the most abundant radiation emitted by the Sun that reaches Earth’s surface. If humanity had evolved near a different celestial body, like a black hole emitting primarily X-rays, our visual perception might be drastically different.
- Cosmic Thumbprints: The cross-section per unit mass for light scattering by free electrons and protons is approximately 0.4 cm² per gram—the same as the area per unit mass of a human thumb. Coincidentally, this value matches the mass per unit area of matter in the universe when the first galaxies formed. This serendipity allows telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope to observe ancient galaxies without interference from scattering, as the majority of the universe’s mass is in dark matter, which doesn’t interact with light.
- Conservation in Phase Space: The intensity of light remains constant along a ray due to the conservation of phase-space density, a principle tied to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Photons, being bosons, tend to occupy the same quantum state—a phenomenon exploited in lasers, where light is amplified by stimulating photons to move coherently.
- Quantum Boundaries of Atoms: Without the constraints imposed by quantum mechanics, specifically the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, electrons would spiral into the nucleus, and atoms would collapse. The Bohr radius defines the minimum average distance between the nucleus and the electron, ensuring atomic stability and the very existence of matter as we know it.
Harvard’s Legacy in Hydrogen Research
Harvard’s contributions to our understanding of hydrogen—the most abundant element in the universe—are monumental. In 1906, Theodore Lyman IV discovered the Lyman series, spectral lines that are key to understanding atomic transitions in hydrogen. Two decades later, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin revealed in her groundbreaking Ph.D. thesis that hydrogen is the primary constituent of the Sun, a discovery that revolutionized astrophysics.
Building on this legacy, Ed Purcell and George Field pioneered “21-centimeter cosmology.” By studying the hydrogen line at a wavelength of 21 centimeters, they unlocked a method to map the three-dimensional structure of the universe. Their work laid the foundation for modern cosmology and continues to influence how we study the Big Bang and the evolution of galaxies.
The Sun’s Secrets and the Cosmic Horizon
Why does the Sun emit visible light when its core produces energy primarily in the form of X-rays? The answer lies in the radiative transfer equation. The Sun’s interior is like a dense fog where photons undergo countless interactions, scattering and being absorbed before they can escape. By the time they reach the surface, these photons have lost energy, emerging as the sunlight we see—a process akin to water seeping through layers of soil before reaching a river.
This concept extends to our observation of the universe. Looking deeper into space is like peering back in time, approaching the “cosmic photosphere”—a boundary beyond which the universe was opaque, about 400,000 years after the Big Bang. This horizon envelops us like a cosmic womb, limiting our view and leaving us to wonder about the mysteries that lie beyond.
What exists beyond our observable universe? As Professor Loeb explains, this question pushes the boundaries of physics and philosophy. Some theories suggest parallel universes or dimensions with different physical laws. Others propose that the universe is infinite, with endless galaxies and perhaps even other forms of life. As technology advances, instruments like the James Webb Space Telescope may provide clues, but for now, much remains in the realm of speculation.