For over a century, scientists have speculated that our familiar three-dimensional world may be influenced by hidden spatial dimensions, but no solid evidence has been found—until now, perhaps. A revolutionary particle physics project called the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), spanning 1,300 kilometers underground between Illinois and South Dakota, could be on the verge of uncovering these elusive dimensions.
As explained by Live Science, neutrinos are some of the most mysterious particles in the universe. Nicknamed “ghost particles” because they pass through ordinary matter almost undetected, neutrinos exist in three types, or “flavors”: electron, muon, and tau. Unlike most particles, neutrinos can transform from one flavor to another, a process known as oscillation. This strange ability makes them an ideal candidate for detecting phenomena beyond standard physics.
The upcoming DUNE project will generate neutrinos at Fermilab in Illinois, where they will travel underground across 1,300 kilometers to a massive detector in South Dakota. “By observing how neutrinos change during their journey, we might gain insight into hidden dimensions,” explained Mehedi Masud, a physicist and co-author of the recent study.
How Could Hidden Dimensions Be Detected?
The study, published in the Journal of High Energy Physics, proposes that neutrino oscillations might behave differently if extra dimensions exist. These hidden dimensions, theorized to be on a microscopic scale of about half a micron, could subtly alter the way neutrinos oscillate, leading to measurable differences in DUNE’s detector.
The theory of large extra dimensions, first introduced in 1998, suggests that our universe might be part of a higher-dimensional space. One reason for proposing this theory is to explain why gravity is so much weaker than other fundamental forces. If such dimensions exist, they could also shed light on why neutrinos have such tiny masses—an open question in modern physics.
By analyzing both high- and low-energy neutrinos, DUNE scientists hope to observe specific patterns, such as small oscillatory “ripples” in their behavior, which could be evidence of extra dimensions. Computational models suggest that DUNE will be capable of detecting these anomalies after several years of data collection.
DUNE is expected to begin collecting data around 2030, with initial results likely to emerge after a few years of operation. If the experiment provides any evidence of hidden dimensions, it would be a groundbreaking moment in physics, opening new doors for understanding the universe.
Moreover, future studies could combine DUNE’s findings with data from other fields, such as particle colliders and astrophysical observations, to further investigate the properties of these hidden dimensions. “Combining multiple types of data could give us more accurate insights into the existence of large extra dimensions,” Masud noted. Beyond its potential for new physics, the discovery could improve our understanding of neutrino properties and their role in shaping the universe.