For the last few years, the internet has been bombarded and flooded by tabloids reporting on the UFO phenomenon. Suddenly, it is all right to speak out loud about the phenomena, without having to wear your tinfoil hat or without getting weird looks.
In fact, it is no longer a conspiracy, and people are open to discuss UFOs almost as if it was never a conspiracy, to begin with. That’s mostly thanks to the various declassified documents and recent revelations by pilots and government officials from the United States.
The UFO Fever
Not only have various reports emerged of incredible encounters between Navy Pilots and Unidentified Flying Objects, but government officials have also recognized that special branches of the government closely studied the phenomenon.
Reports were gathered.
Videos were filmed.
And everything was tucked away until recently.
But the Pentagon has recently decided to spill the beans and tell the world: ‘You know what, we’ve been aware of UFOs for quite some time, and we spent millions of dollars trying to figure out what the UFO means.’
All of a sudden, the UFO phenomenon is no longer a conspiracy theory.
But even before the government went out guns blazing, there was plenty of evidence the UFO phenomenon was real. There are various videos available that show how the military closely followed uFOs.
Going back further in time
But if you were to go back in history, some 60-70 years, you’d see that UFOs were a thing back then too.
Perhaps people were less informed than they are today, but flying saucers and unidentified flying objects were of great interest in the 1940s and 1950s.
But just because UFOs exist does not necessarily mean that they are of alien origin, and this article by perfectly explains this.
We know that UFOs were investigated, and the phenomenon was taken seriously even before the Pentagon created AATIP.
A quote by the former head of the CIA, Roscoe Hilenkoetter, explains this best:
“…behind the scenes, high ranking air force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
Hermann Oberth, considered the founding father of rocketry and aeronautics, is someone who also deeply believed in the UFO phenomenon.
In fact, this quote explains his belief in flying saucers best:
“It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries.”
Declassified CIA Documents
Various documents have been declassified throughout the years that show that during Nazi Germany, extensive research was done on UFOs, and people even tried building their own.

The Nazis were technologically advanced and built incredible tanks, rockets, and different weapons.
Some documents can be found online that even argue how the Nazis developed advanced technologies like antigravity.
According to an Italian researcher named Renato Vesco, the Nazis had developed advanced technology and were even building what we call flying saucers.
“[Italian researcher] Renato Vesco argued that Germans had developed antigravity. The disc-shaped and tubular craft were built and tested near the end of the Second World War, which, he argued, was the proper explanation of foo fighters. These concepts, he maintained, were developed by the Americans and Soviets and led directly to flying saucers.” – Richard Dolan.
But the first documents we can find that mention Nazi technology and flying saucers (UFOs) can be traced back to the work of Italian expert Giuseppe Belluzzo.

A newspaper report dating back to March 24, 1950, revealed how UFOs were flying discs that were designed and engineered in German and Italy around 1942.

Avro Canada and Flying Saucers
And back in the 1940s and 1950s, UFOs and Flying saucers there popular.
In fact, in 1953, Avro Canada revealed it was developing an advanced flying vehicle dubbed the VZ-9-AV Avrocar. This flying vehicle was described as a circular jet aircraft that could reach a speed of 1,500 mph (2,400 km/h).
But after the announcement by Avro Canada, a German engineer called Georg Klein said that Avro Canada wasn’t developing anything new and that they were actually copying and engineering UFOs that were developed during Nazi Germany.
Mr. Klein is the man mentioned in some of the documents declassified by the CIA about UFOs.
“…though many people believe the ‘flying saucers’ to be a postwar development, they were actually in the planning stage in German aircraft factories as early as 1941,” the CIA documents reveal.
As revealed by Klein, the flying saucer that was developed in Germany was able to reach an altitude of around 13,000 meters in a matter of minutes. It was also able to travel at speeds of up to 2,200 kilometers per hour.
Klein revealed that the Nazis were further developing their flying saucer to allow them to travel at even greater speeds. However, the ‘UFOs’ construction was hampered due to a lack of ‘special materials.’
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