For the past five to six years, we have seen a massive shift in how people, the government, and scientists view the UFO phenomenon. Things have radically changed for the good. No longer is the UFO subject ridiculed and downplayed. No longer are people afraid to speak about what they have seen. Times have changed, and UFOs have gone from a crazy tinfoil hat conspiracy to a subject worthy of the most rigorous scientific study, as evidenced by the Pentagon and NASA UFO study groups. UFOs are now being studied using the scientific method. This, in my opinion, should have been something that happened a long time ago. But here we are.
The UFO Era
Now that we are in an era where we can research the subject properly, why not look into the past and see whether evidence of UFO encounters can be discovered from the past? From a plethora of reading materials through the years, I have discovered that numerous ancient sources could be evidence that point toward millennia of UFO sightings on the planet. After all, who says that UFOs are a modern thing? If UFOs really are technology from another world, then we might assume that these crafts have been around for quite some time. Furthermore, given the physical constraints involved in space travel, it would be safe to assume that these objects are not crewed craft but autonomous in nature.
Are UFO Sightings Depicted in Ancient Paintings?
Perhaps this is the reason why “contact” has not happened. If we look back into the past, there are certain paintings created by artists hundreds of years ago that show objects that eerily reassemble what the modern world calls UFOs. In previous articles, I even covered some examples of old newspaper reports dating back hundreds of years, where people reported mass UFO sightings. One such example is the 1951 mass sighting that took place in the city of Nuremberg. You can read more about it here. You can read more about 10 UFO sightings that date back at least one thousand years by clicking here. But if you are a more visual person, I recommend checking out this video, which goes through possible UFO sightings depicted in ancient paintings.
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