Back in 2014, an interstellar object smashed into the planet just off the coast of Papua New Guinea. On the basis of the hyperbolic excess velocity of the meteorite, scientists at the time speculated it could be an interstellar object. Recently, speculation about its origin increased, and professor Avi Loeb, a Harvard professor and the longest serving chair of astronomy at Harvard, wondered whether it was possible that the object was not a meteorite as initially believed but a piece of defunct alien technology. If this was indeed so, would it not be logical to assume that many more similar objects ended up with similar fates, crashing into the surface of the planet? What if many of the meteorites we have encountered on the surface of the planet are not only extraterrestrial but produced artificially?
This is something called technosignatures, and scientists are actually looking for such artifacts actively. Given our current technology, we have more than the necessary tools to analyze and identify an object made not on Earth. The catch is actually to look for them. This brings us to an interesting subject published by the Daily Beast. An article titled “Is Earth Being Pummeled by Derelict Alien Spacecraft?” takes a look into this curious question and offers a scientific paper as an actual first step taken by the scientific community. It was almost a decade between 1957 and 1968 when scientists experimented with creating minerals that were very effective conductors of electricity, according to David Axe. Brezinaite and Heideite were “invented” by them. Then, a few years later, we actually found the minerals scattered across the surface of the Earth.
But they were not minerals from Earth, they came from outer space. It turned out that these weren’t materials that had to be invented – though scientists are still unsure how they formed outside of the lab. Fast forward some sixty years, and a scientific paper –still to be peer-reviewed — is trying to explain the minerals in a not-so-orthodox way. Now, six decades later, a Venezuelan researcher is trying to connect the dots between the minerals those scientists made in labs and the same minerals that came crashing to Earth from space. Perhaps those superconducting minerals coming from space are also artificial, B.P. Embaid, a physicist at the Central University of Venezuela, hypothesized in his study published in the pre-print server arXiv.
In that case, the minerals may have been created by extraterrestrials, and they would become the much sought-after “technosignatures” that scientists have been hunting for. “It is important to be open-minded and even provocative to consider the following question: are these meteoritic minerals samples of extraterrestrial technosignatures?” Embaid is quoted saying by the Daily Beast. And this is kind of similar to what Avi Loeb has been saying about the two-known crashed interstellar objects. Maybe, since they arrived from other star systems, these crashed “artifacts” are defunct spaceships made by distant extraterrestrial civilizations. It is, therefore, imperative to look for them, recover them, and analyze them.
The idea that Brezinaite and Heideite may have originated from intelligent extraterrestrials is incredibly intriguing, especially since the UFO Phenomenon has skyrocketed. NASA is currently studying UFOs/UAP and has a dedicated team of more than a dozen astrophysicists researching. The US Congress recently revealed that UFOs are likely extraterrestrial technology, and the Pentagon rebranded its UFO office, including in its list of studies so-called “transmedium” UFOs. But we must bear one thing in mind when it comes down to UFOs, strange alien minerals, and the hunt for technosignatures; scientists must keep an open mind because evidence of advanced extraterrestrial technology might lie right under our feet.
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