Professor Stephen Hawking’s final work reveals: There is no God, the afterlife doesn’t exist, and there are forms of intelligent life out there. Stephen Hawking’s final book revealed his answers to 10 “fundamental questions” he was constantly asked. Ranging from questions about God’s existence to whether aliens are real, and if time travel was possible, Stephen Hawking provides his honest answers in his published work. According to The Telegraph, Hawking revealed: “We are each free to believe what we want, and it’s my view that the simplest explanation is that there is no God…”
Furthermore, the British scientist says: “No one created the universe, and no one directors out of fate. This makes me realize that there is probably no heaven or an afterlife. I think belief in the afterlife is just wishful thinking.” The world-renowned scientists explained, “There is no reliable evidence for it, and it flies in the face of everything we know in science. I think that when we die, we return
God Doesn’t Exist, and Aliens Are Real