Nostradamus is a name that most people have heard about or read about at least once.
Nostradamus has become a name synonymous with a prophet seemingly able to see what the future holds for Earth.
Although known as Nostradamus, his true name was Michel de Nostredame, but he is usually Latinized as Nostradamus.
The man was not a seer by profession. In fact, he was a doctor, theurgist and French astrologer. He is best known for work of literature known as Les Propheties published for the first time in 1555. The book, essentially, is a collection of several hundred quatrains written by the French seer. A total of 353 quatrains have been identified as having been written by Nostradamus.
Although he is credited with having predicted major world events throughout history, people are not convinced that what Nostradamus penned down in Les Prophecies had anything to do with the future.

Quatrains are a sort of poem, filled with metaphors. Nostradamus wrote them combing both Greek and Latin words, resulting in unique quatrains, hard although not impossible to interpret.
His writing was strange yet it drew the attention of people who were left awestruck by his work. Nostradamus’ quatrains are considered immediate predictions of future events.
Nostradamus most likely chose to write his predictions in quatrains in order to masquerade his predictions but intending for us to become aware of them.
His quatrains were grouped into a series of verses that Nostradamus dubbed “Centuries”. This was most likely due to the fact that each set contained one hundred different quatrains.
His work was shrouded in strangeness, written purposely to be hard to interpret. He wrote his quatrains making use of extremely dubious terminologies which made it nearly impossible to understand what the writer was trying to convey.
The quatrains penned down by Nostradamus were loaded with metaphors, astrological references, as well as mythological sources, resulting in a highly stacked mystery.
Nonetheless, his work has been deciphered by people who have studied his quatrains for many years.
Since his first published book of 1555, people argue that Nostradamus accurately predicted a number of extremely important global events.
It has been claimed that the French astrologer accurately predicted the rise of Hitler, the terror attacks on the United States on 9/11, the French Revolution, the Moon Landing, the atomic bomb as well as the Great Fire of London among other things.

Nostradamus and the Apollo Moon Landing
Here’s the alleged quatrain that supposedly predicted the Moon Landing.
He will come to travel to the corner of Luna, where he will be captured and put in a strange land, The unripe fruits to be subject of great scandal, great blame, to one, great praise.
Near the gates and within two cities There will be scourges the like of which was never seen, Famine within plague, people put out by steel, Crying to the great immortal God for relief.
Assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy
Nostradamus is also thought to have predicted the assassination of John F. Kennedy as well as Bobby Kennedy.
The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt, An evil deed foretold by the bearer of a petition. According to the prediction, another falls at night time. Conflict at Reims, London and a pestilence in Tuscany.
Former U.S. President John Kennedy–the Great Man– received a number of death threats during his time in the office. He visited Dallas in November of 1963 when he was gunned down by what may be interpreted as a thunderbolt.
On June 5th, 1968, his brother Bobby Kennedy was assassinated after midnight–another falls at night time.
Whether or not Nostradamus really wrote his hundreds of quatrains in a masked way predicting the future, remains a mystery. Believing, or not believing in them is a personal point of view.
Skeptics have argued that the numerous predictions credited to Nostradamus are nothing more than misinterpretations that have been refitted or adjusted to our time retrospectively in order to fit certain historical events.
What did the French soothsayer predict for 2020?
Nostradamus and his predictions for 2020
As noted above, believing in his predictions eventually comes down to a personal point of view.
Supposedly, the French seer predicted that a great earthquake would hit the American continent sometime in the year 2020. He is believed to have predicted how in the “New World–the West Lands” the major geological catastrophe will most likely occur.
Economic Crisis in 2020. Nostradamus supposedly foresaw how 2020 would be marked by a major Economic crisis; Bankruptcy, recession, and dark times for the global economy. Nostradamus supposedly also foresaw the 2008 crisis.
An abrupt rise in sea level. We know that climate change is a big issue in the world right now. Nostradamus, however, is believed to have predicted hundreds of years ago how the global sea level would change the world in 2020. Nostradamus supposedly penned down in his quatrains how parts of what we know today as Antarctica will melt causing the global rise in sea levels by several meters.
Global warming will apparently be felt in 2020. The French seer is supposedly said to have foreseen that catastrophic–massive–storm will be registered in 2020. Many of these storms will turn into catastrophic hurricanes.
Nostradamus supposedly may have warned us about a possible major global conflict: “In the city of God, there will be a great thunder. Two brothers torn apart by Chaos while the fortress endures. The great leader will succumb The third big war will begin when the big city is burning.” This quatrain is supposedly interrupted as a possible new, world war.