Motionless UFO Filmed in the Sky

NASA Astronaut Calls for Thorough Investigation into UFO Claims

NASA astronaut and Arizona Senator Mark Kelly calls for a deeper investigation into UFO sightings, urging the U.S. government to address credible reports from military personnel. Upcoming Congressional hearings aim to shed more light on these mysterious phenomena.


Former NASA astronaut and current Arizona Senator, Mark Kelly, has urged the U.S. government to intensify its investigations into credible reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), commonly known as UFOs. In a recent interview, Kelly underscored the importance of taking such reports seriously, especially given the compelling testimonies from military personnel.

Pilots’ Accounts Spark Concern

Kelly’s call for action comes after several high-ranking U.S. Navy pilots publicly testified about encounters with unidentified flying objects. These incidents, involving advanced and inexplicable flight patterns, have raised questions about potential unknown technologies.

“I’ve seen some compelling testimony from Navy fighter pilots who, as squadron leaders, witnessed something extraordinary,” Kelly said in an interview with Ian Bremmer, founder of GZero Media. He pointed specifically to Ryan Graves, a former naval pilot who testified before Congress about a startling encounter off the coast of Virginia. Graves and his commander had observed an unknown craft, which they believed to be far beyond the technological capabilities of any nation. The mission was subsequently aborted due to the strange nature of the sighting.

Graves’ testimony, alongside other military reports, is part of a broader effort by the government to understand the growing number of UAP sightings. For decades, these phenomena have been shrouded in mystery, but recent declassifications and public interest have propelled the issue into mainstream political discourse.

A Senate Push for Greater Transparency

As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Kelly believes Congress has an obligation to investigate these occurrences further. He has emphasized that while UAPs are largely synonymous with UFOs, the government’s rebranding of the term signifies a shift toward a more scientific and investigative approach.


“We owe it to the American people to look into these claims and understand what’s really happening,” Kelly said, adding that the Senate is preparing to hold hearings later this year to explore these matters in greater depth.

These upcoming sessions are expected to build on the momentum generated last summer, when David Grusch, a former Pentagon whistleblower, claimed to have knowledge of secret government programs involving reverse-engineered alien technology. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who chairs the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, has been a key figure in pushing for these hearings, and has confirmed that they are slated for November.

Kelly’s Personal Take on UFOs

Despite advocating for a thorough investigation, Kelly has been cautious about making any definitive statements regarding extraterrestrial life. When asked whether his own experiences as an astronaut gave him special insight into UAPs, Kelly remained neutral.

“People often ask me if I’ve seen anything unusual during my time in space,” Kelly said. “While I’ve spent time orbiting Earth, I haven’t encountered anything that would suggest extraterrestrial life.”

However, Kelly’s background as a former astronaut lends his voice significant credibility, especially in contrast to other claims about UFOs that often lack tangible evidence. His call for transparency and a scientific approach to UAPs aligns with the growing consensus among officials and experts that these phenomena need to be studied more rigorously.

The upcoming Congressional hearings are expected to delve deeper into the nature of these unexplained sightings and explore whether they pose a threat to national security or indicate the presence of advanced foreign technology. While some believe the phenomena could be evidence of extraterrestrial life, others suggest they may be undisclosed military operations or technological experiments.

Regardless of their origin, UAPs represent a fascinating and still largely unsolved mystery. As the U.S. government prepares to confront these claims, the broader implications for science, defense, and humanity’s place in the universe remain to be seen.

Written by Ivan Petricevic

I've been writing passionately about ancient civilizations, history, alien life, and various other subjects for more than eight years. You may have seen me appear on Discovery Channel's What On Earth series, History Channel's Ancient Aliens, and Gaia's Ancient Civilizations among others.

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