Navy Pilot speaking about his UFO encounter. Image Credit: Joe Rogan Experience / YouTube.

Pilot Who Pursued “Tic-Tac UFO” Gives More Details About the “Otherworldly” Encounter

The Navy Pilot who chased down a UFO has just revealed a great deal more.


Commander David Fravor is a retired US Navy pilot and the Navy pilot who had a close encounter in 2004 with the so-called Tic Tac UFO. Commander Fravor is one of the pilots who chased down a strange unidentified flying object, seen in a leaked video of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) to investigate unidentified flying objects.

What happened?

At the end of 2017, three videos were released that showed what many people admittedly concluded were UFOs with technology beyond our own. One of those videos was the so-called “Tic-Tac” UFO, which features an object approximately 15 meters in diameter shaped like a kind of tic-tac, flying at an incredible speed in the skies over the coast of California.

This object was pursued and filmed by Navy pilots in November 2004. Both the Navy personnel onboard the U.S.S. Nimitz and their escorts had witnessed the amazing close encounter through the radar.

Unique behavior, capacity, and acceleration

“I’ve never seen anything like it with that kind of behavior, capacity, and acceleration. Taking into account, of course, that this thing had no wings,” said Commander David Fravor, who was the first to make eye contact with the UFO, in one of the first statements on the subject since the videos went public.


Commander Fravor appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience, where he discussed his amazing Tic-Tac UFO encounter and the other videos filmed by US Military personnel. During the podcast, Commander Fravor mentioned how when he sighted the Tic Tact UFO, his F / A-18F Super Hornet did not carry combat missiles since he was scheduled for a training mission. He also said that when the unidentified object was spotted, the aircraft’s radar could not get a lock on it since the object was jamming his aircraft’s systems.

Impossible maneuvers

The latter is amazing, considering that the US Navy has one of the world’s newest and most sophisticated radar systems. Commander Fravor argued during the interview that even before he and his pilots managed to film the enigmatic UFO–which was performing nearly impossible maneuvers–the military was tracking unidentified objects via radar. What exactly these objects are, remains an enigma.

However, commander Fravor also spoke out on how the UFO investigation by the military and the government is most likely still happening. The former Navy pilot also mentioned that he had traveled to Washington D.C. at least two times for a “confidential meeting with highly-ranking government officials,” whit whom he discussed the UFO encounters.

Incredible revelations

Perhaps the most impressive revelation made during the interview is the case of another Navy man, who, like Commander Fravor, encountered a UFO. However, this one occurred in the 1990s. Commander Fravor explained that his fellow Navy man observed a dark mass coming from the ocean’s depths. The Navy was tasked with recovering a torpedo. As the helicopter was being flown toward the ocean’s surface, a large black mass appeared from underneath. It was not a submarine but a large, nearly circular dark object.

Emerging from the depths

The pilot observed the object emerging from the depths and saw how the torpedo was “sucked” into the water as the object abruptly started sinking again. The torpedo was never recovered, and the story didn’t become famous. Commander Fravor admitted that he never believed we were alone in the cosmos even before his UFO encounter. “I look up and say… There are way too many stars up there for us to be alone,” revealed Commander Fravor.

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Written by Ivan Petricevic

I've been writing passionately about ancient civilizations, history, alien life, and various other subjects for more than eight years. You may have seen me appear on Discovery Channel's What On Earth series, History Channel's Ancient Aliens, and Gaia's Ancient Civilizations among others.

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