Egypt is a land of countless treasures. We appreciate Egyptian history despite the fact we still know so little about this ancient civilization. The ancient Egyptians are known for their incredible advancements in medicine, astronomy, engineering, and architecture. They built striking monuments that have stood the test of time. The imposing pyramids attest to what many say are lost technologies. But there is more than just the mysterious aura surrounding the construction of the pyramids and the construction of their temples. The ancient Egyptians were true pioneers in many fields. But we are perhaps most left perplexed by their ability to build monumental structures and work with stone, almost as if they possessed technologies and machines that are lost to history. Many authors believe this was the case and that the true history of Egypt remains hidden. Countless researchers have visited the golden sands of Egypt and searched for answers.
Lost technologies of Ancient Egypt
Writers and researchers of the past, like the Greek historian Herodotus, were perplexed by what the Egyptians had built. In fact, Herodotus tells us stories he heard while in Egypt. In his work Histories, he mentions that the ancient Egyptians likely used machines to maneuver into position the supermassive stones used in their construction projects. We have not found a single evidence of such machines to date. If they ever did exist, these are now lost to history, like many other parts of ancient Egyptian history. Furthermore, scattered across Egypt are remnants that might point toward lost technologies. Examples are the countless massive stones with precision cuts and incredible drill holes.
Precision cuts and more
Some of these gigantic stones display incredible precision cuts, almost to the point of modern-day laser-cutting technology. Additionally, many stones worked by the ancient Egyptians feature boreholes created with such incredible precision that modern authors are convinced some specialized, advanced tools were needed to make such marks. But if these incredible machines existed, where are they now? Where is the machinery that many authors argue is evidence of advanced technology in Egypt? The disappointing answer is we do not know. However, the existence of such monuments suggests that it is perhaps time to look past the constraints of mainstream archaeology and look toward alternative explanations that could help advance our understanding of what is, without a doubt, one of the most advanced civilization ever to have lived on Earth. Is it perhaps time to look past the constraints of mainstream history? Time will tell.
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