Egypt is a land of many things. It is home to treasures buried beneath its golden sands. It is home to secret, hidden labyrinths mentioned by writers in antiquity. But ancient Egypt is also home to countless structures, some of which continue to defy logic to this day. Egypt is a land that has it all. And for thousands of years, it has safeguarded some of its most incredible secrets. Some of the greatest achievements of the ancient Egyptians have been lost beneath the sands and water of the Nile Valley. But many of these secrets are coming to light. There are so many that even though we have explored the ancient Egyptian heritage for more than one hundred years, we have barely scratched the surface.
Emptying the waters and sands of Egypt
If by some miracle we could empty the water, the Nile, the lakes, and drain the lands of Egypt of its sand, what secret would we come across? What ancient wonders, forgotten from history, would we encounter? Would history books need to be rewritten? Would we encounter unimaginable ancient structures? Labyrinths that bear the knowledge of our ancestors? Would we come across ancient pyramids that have been lost to time? Or would we find long-lost tombs, such as the legendary resting place of the greatest Queen in ancient Egyptian history, Cleopatra? Can you imagine how many mind-bending secrets lay hidden beneath the surface?
Many of ancient Egypt’s monuments have still not told their entire story. We have barely scratched the surface when it comes to understanding this incredible, advanced ancient civilization. We have so much to learn, to find, and so much information that, in a few decades, history as we know it will probably need rewriting.