There’s a door inside the Padmanabhaswamy Temple without any bolts, latches, and no visible means of entry.
Legends say it was sealed shut in ancient times via sound waves from a secret chant that has been lost in time.
Two massive protective cobras adorn the door. No one knows what exactly is behind the sealed door, but it houses incredible treasures.

However, the door can only be entered by a high-level ‘SADHUS’ familiar with chanting a ‘GARUDA MANTRA.’
According to modern Hindu priests, there isn’t a single human capable of opening this door by chanting the sacred Garuda Mantra.
The temple, home to the mysterious door, holds the title of the wealthiest institution of any kind in recorded history. Its gold-plated exterior is evidence of that.
According to experts, the temple has an estimated $22 billion worth of gold and jewels stored in many of its underground vaults.
The Padmanabhaswamy Temple is located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, and its home to eight ancient underground vaults, of which only five have been opened to date. It is also one of the 108 principal Divya Desams (“Holy Abodes”) in Vaishnavism glorified in the Divya Prabandha.
And despite the fact it is one of India’s most famous temples, there aren’t any historical records that mention the exact date the temple itself was erected.
According to experts, the temple has been referred to in the only recorded Sangam Period of literature between 500 B.C and 300 A.D.

The Cobra-Guarded Door
Behind the door is what experts have dubbed chamber B. What exactly lies behind the massive cobra-guarded door remains a mystery. Legends have it that anyone who dares to open the door will meet disastrous results.
It is believed that behind the door and within the chamber, B lies another interior room, built out of massive walls of solid gold. Thus, it is said that ‘inside the Camber within the chamber’ lies the greatest undiscovered treasure in humankind’s history.
According to the book ‘Travancore; a guidebook for the visitor (1933)’ by Emily Gilchriest Hatch, people, have already attempted to open the door.
Supposedly, many people attempted to break into the chamber behind the sealed door in 1931 but were met by countless cobras who made them fell the temple and never return.
Anyone who attempts to open the door will be met with the same faith.
As noted by Forbes’ contributor Jim Dobson, “a door of such a secret vault is known to be opened only by a high level ‘SADHUS’ familiar with the knowledge of chanting a ‘GARUDA MANTRA.’ The door cannot be opened by any means by anyone, and at present, there is nobody in the world who possesses the highly sacred and powerful ‘SIDDHAPURSHAS’ and how to execute the highly sacred ‘GARUDA MANTRA.'”
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