Spacefaring Aliens Could Use Black Holes to Travel Across the Universe
Extremely advanced alien civilizations could have already developed a technology that would allow them to ...
Extremely advanced alien civilizations could have already developed a technology that would allow them to ...
Not long ago, the world was surprised by a scientific study that had "claimed" researchers ...
Not so long ago, I finished reading Stephen Hawking's book--his "final" book, called Brief Answers ...
Several Southeastern tribes have long said that their ancestors received immigrants from Mesoamerica and that ...
For most, the summer and winter solstices are nothing more than regular days that mark ...
What exactly is reality? And how do we define it? Is everything around us real? ...
There a spacecraft so far away in space it has become the first humanmade object ...
A group of scientists has detected four mysterious objects in deep space that are said ...
A team of scientists from the Breakthrough Listen initiative, dedicated to looking for signs of ...
For millennia have humans gazed upon the stars, wondering what else is out there among ...
Around 3,000 BC, an ancient Sumerian astronomer meticulously recorded his nightly observations on a clay ...
Comet C/2019 Y4 Atlas, discovered December 28, 2019, on a trajectory approaching the Sun, has disintegrated ...
Were ancient Greek temples built entirely randomly? Do these ancient structures hide secrets embedded in ...
No other ancient monument on the planet's surface has the ability to leave one breathless ...
Commander David Fravor is a retired US Navy pilot and the Navy pilot who had ...
Asteroid Ryugu, formally identified as 162173 Ryugu, provisional designation 1999 JU3, is a potentially hazardous asteroid ...
The Great Pyramid of Giza is a monument like no other. It has survived (according ...
Egypt was a cradle of civilization, allowing the same basic culture and language to prosper ...
Nikola Tesla once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think ...
Call them weapons from the heavens if you wish. Since time immemorial, people have looked ...
When you speak about Peru, you can't help and mention its incredibly rich history. Whether ...
Nikola Tesla is, without a doubt, one of the greatest scientific minds the world has ...
Have you ever wondered how many are there planets in the Milky Way Galaxy? That's ...
No, we don't actually believe the Moon landing was a hoax. Thankfully, there is ample ...