Here is a 554-Million-Pixel Image of the Remnants of a Star
Using the VLT Survey Telescope, scientists have captured the remains of a giant star. About ...
Using the VLT Survey Telescope, scientists have captured the remains of a giant star. About ...
A NASA space observatory has created a time-lapse video revealing changes to the sky over ...
Four years ago, in October 2018, a small star came too close to a black ...
For exploring the universe, its distant galaxies, stars, planetary nebula, and now even black holes, ...
We have come an awesome way from exploring the universe since the very first telescope ...
There was a supernova explosion in AD 1054 when a nearby star ran out of ...
According to a group of researchers, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations could be trying to communicate with ...
Humankind has searched for traces of extraterrestrial life for decades. In addition, much effort has ...
Half a century ago, astronomers first hypothesized that there is a supermassive black hole at ...
According to a study published in the International Journal of Astrobiology, researchers suggest that a ...
Scientists have been baffled by the "Wow!" signal since it was discovered in 1977. Since ...
What is the Event Horizon Telescope? The EHT (Event Horizon Telescope) is a global ultra-long ...
Hubble holds the record for the longest operation among space telescopes, operating in low-earth orbit ...
Can you tell where our planet is in the universe? Of course, planet Earth is ...
Astronomers have compiled a list of 2,034 star systems in which presumed alien civilizations could ...
One of the leading questions about aliens is what they will be like when we ...
Nothing in space is at rest. Everything moves and revolves - the Earth, the Sun, ...
Observations of thousands of galaxies made with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey telescope (pictured) have ...
The Chandra X-Ray Observatory was launched into space in 1999 and has served a total ...
This is the best of Hubble. On April 24, 1990, NASA launched one of its ...
The Universe is home to truly gigantic objects. Planets, stars, galaxies, and clusters of galaxies ...
Andromeda is the closest neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way. Located in the constellation with ...
American scientists have found a new explanation for the fact that earthlings, despite many attempts, ...
Is there anyone who does not wonder about the existence of aliens? Maybe it's of ...