Check Out This 655-Million-Pixel Image Of The Universe Showing 40 Billion Stars
Usually, when astronomers talk about "neighboring galaxy", they mean the Andromeda Galaxy, which is only ...
Usually, when astronomers talk about "neighboring galaxy", they mean the Andromeda Galaxy, which is only ...
For more than 150 years, people have not stopped trying to contact representatives of extraterrestrial ...
The fact that the black holes do not allow the light to come out makes ...
Time traveling has been in question for as long as science has existed. Think of ...
Strange alien worlds are often shown to us in cinema and on television, and there ...
Antares, a striking feature in our night sky, has been an integral part of human ...
Let's go almost 50 years back in time to November 16, 1974, when astrophysicist Frank ...
Due to the numerous archeological monuments related to the religions of long-extinct ancient civilizations, Strandzha ...
The more we explore the universe, the more we realize what a strange and amazing ...
During a time when humankind's ancestors were learning to walk upright, use their hands, and ...
For millennia have humans gazed upon the stars, wondering what else is out there among ...
10,000 light-years away, there's a black hole and a companion star. Together, these two comic ...
One thousand fourteen years ago, ancient civilizations witnessed the brightest supernova explosion in recorded history. ...
The exact reason why Ancient Egyptian pyramids were built with such sophistication and precision has ...
Aliens exist and could be living among us on Earth, says the first British astronaut ...
Thousands of years ago, people around the world sought out the way they could express ...
There is a "dark object" blasting massive holes in our galaxy. We can not see ...
Have you ever wondered how many are there planets in the Milky Way Galaxy? That's ...
This is the biggest image ever of Andromeda at 1.5 billion pixels. You would need ...
Now that history has been rewritten and we've all seen the very first direct image ...
This stunning image, snapped using the Wide Field Planetary Camera on NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, ...
"Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you ...
There's a strange star speeding through our galaxy at an unfathomable speed. PSR J0002+6216 was ...
The Universe. No one knows how big it is. It is huge, alright, but just ...