How Will We React To Finding Alien Life? NASA Says We Need to Prepare
After decades of minimal progress, scientists and astronomers, in particular, are getting closer to answering ...
After decades of minimal progress, scientists and astronomers, in particular, are getting closer to answering ...
An international team of climatologists, anthropologists, paleontologists, and ecologists has stated that if the average ...
An international team of astronomers presented new research focused on the generation of energy around ...
Astronomers have compiled a list of 2,034 star systems in which presumed alien civilizations could ...
One of the leading questions about aliens is what they will be like when we ...
Astronomers have long had the well-documented belief that an ocean of water is splashing beneath ...
Have you heard about SETA? SETA stands for Search for Extraterrestrial Artifacts, and scientists have ...
Our first real contact with an alien civilization is yet to come. Although many believe ...
Decades ago, nobody would have believed that there was water on other planets. And yet, ...
I like to believe that we are not the only developed life forms out there, ...
Just imagine the vastness of the universe and how little we know about it. Now ...
In 1969, the English physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose proposed a theory that described the ...
The Voynich manuscript. This is what researchers call a document written in an unknown language that ...
American scientists have found a new explanation for the fact that earthlings, despite many attempts, ...
In 2017, for the first time in the history of space exploration, scientists spotted a ...
Given the size of the universe, the odds are high that extraterrestrial life exists somewhere. ...
Is there anyone who does not wonder about the existence of aliens? Maybe it's of ...
Surrounded by the vastness of outer space, Apollo 10 astronauts suddenly lost contact with the ...
Extremely advanced alien civilizations could have already developed a technology that would allow them to ...
Since ancient times, the Moon has impressed people, which is why they have often deified ...
Breakthrough Listen is a 10-year-long program dedicated to the search for alien communications. While it ...
The mysteries surrounding UFOs have always excited people. It is difficult to find a problem ...
Thanks to the MARSIS radar of the ESA Mars Express orbiter, a team led by ...
Let's go almost 50 years back in time to November 16, 1974, when astrophysicist Frank ...