10 of the Strangest Animals that Ever Lived
Throughout history, our planet has undergone dramatic environmental changes, from extreme temperature shifts and changes ...
Throughout history, our planet has undergone dramatic environmental changes, from extreme temperature shifts and changes ...
Democritus of Abdera - one of the famous ancient Greek philosophers, often considered the founder ...
In the southeast of Tenerife, there is a small town called Guimar, which has won ...
When archaeologists discovered the Shigir Idol more than 100 years ago, it was impossible to ...
Descriptions of giants are common in religious books and historical texts around the world, including ...
The Valley of the Monkeys is a closed alley adjacent to the Valley of the ...
What are the first creations of man? A discovery in southern Africa takes us back 75,000 ...
Believe it or not, cannabis has been one of the most common medicinal herbs since ...
Before the discovery of Hot Jupiters, no scientist had imagined that such exoplanets could exist. ...
In the era of the Republic, the Romans began to build paved roads, gradually covering ...
Built as a defensive fortification in Medieval times, the Citadel of Saladin remains one of ...
Inca mythology is a bit confusing as there are different versions. In general, the gods ...
Every person has thought about how our ancestors lived, what they thought about, and what ...
Deep in the Brazilian state of Paraiba, there is a strange massive monument called the ...
In ancient Egypt, few people were literate. Reading and writing were mysterious and complex sciences ...
If you look at the northwest part of the sky after sunset (southwest in the ...
Scientists have noticed that many ancient Egyptian pharaoh statues lack noses. At first, it was ...
Medieval justice was very peculiar. I can give a quick and curious example with animal ...
Approximately 200,000 years ago, the early human brain evolved at an extreme rate, almost suddenly. ...
A curious theory was published in 2002 by Italian journalist Sergio Frau, suggesting that the ...
Ancient Egypt has attracted people from all over the world for centuries. Seekers of mysterious ...
Tlaloc is mostly known as the Aztec god of rain and thunder. Like many gods ...
More and more convincing evidence found over the last two or three decades proves that ...
As the best-selling author and researcher Graham Hancock explains in his book "Magicians of the ...