The Ancient Olmec Incorporated Magnetism in their Statues, and Made Use of Magnetic Anomalies
The earliest description of magnetism was made by the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus in ...
The earliest description of magnetism was made by the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus in ...
When you Google 'Who Invented the Very First Space Ship' you won't get an answer ...
One of the most enigmatic and mysterious temples on the planet's surface is located in ...
The Sumerian King List is one of the most fascinating, chronological documents from Ancient Mesopotamia. ...
No, we don't actually believe the Moon landing was a hoax. Thankfully, there is ample ...
As long as the world exists and people are on it, we've probably wondered how ...
The Odachi was a type of sword used by ancient Samurai in Japan. Since it ...
This stunning image, snapped using the Wide Field Planetary Camera on NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, ...
"Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you ...
Throughout history, explorers, adventurers, and archeologists have spent lifetimes searching for long-lost places, legendary cities, ...
Archaeologists have found evidence of ancient Maya cultivation fields under the wetlands of southern Mexico, ...
Not many of us have actually read through the Bible. But you might consider reading ...
Lake Baikal, located in southern Siberia is home to countless mysteries. In April 2009, astronauts ...
Thousands of years ago, even before written history, people on Earth built intricate structures. We ...
Some of the ancient cities date to a time when history as we know it ...
Does the Piri Reis map really show Antarctica free from ice? There have been countless maps ...
According to two leading scientists, the human brain is a biological computer, and human consciousness ...
Researchers believe they have enough evidence to suggest that a comet may have set the ...
Scientists suggest reincarnation is real and consciousness is a form of energy contained within our ...
Built atop a mountain ridge 2,430 meters (7,970 ft) above sea level, the ancient citadel ...
The Universe. No one knows how big it is. It is huge, alright, but just ...
Pyramids have been built in nearly all corners of the world. Thousands of years ago, ...
Have you ever wondered why Pyramids suddenly stopped being built? Civilizations all around the globe ...
There's a stone covered in strange symbols located in Scotland. Discovered in 1887 by the ...