Astronomers Admit Over 100 Billion Habitable Earth-Like Planets Exist in the Milky Way
Have you ever wondered how many are there planets in the Milky Way Galaxy? That's ...
Have you ever wondered how many are there planets in the Milky Way Galaxy? That's ...
Update: The Chinese mission continues making history after the lander and rover have woken from ...
The Moon landing is perhaps the greatest and most well-known conspiracy theory out there. Despite ...
No, we don't actually believe the Moon landing was a hoax. Thankfully, there is ample ...
As long as the world exists and people are on it, we've probably wondered how ...
This is the biggest image ever of Andromeda at 1.5 billion pixels. You would need ...
It remains a profound enigma just how ancient civilizations across the globe managed to move ...
This stunning image, snapped using the Wide Field Planetary Camera on NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, ...
For the past 2,000 years, the intricate weapons of the world-famous Terracotta army in China ...
Master Yoda is real. And as Yoda himself would say... The truth to uncover, you ...
Lake Baikal, located in southern Siberia is home to countless mysteries. In April 2009, astronauts ...
Our planet is an awesome place. Not only because it's the only place in the ...
As early as Homer, more than 2,500 years ago, Greek mythology explored the idea of ...
Have you ever wondered why Pyramids suddenly stopped being built? Civilizations all around the globe ...
What if we are the aliens we've been searching for all along? Despite the progress ...
As Best Selling Author Graham Hancock has said, we are a species with amnesia. And ...
blaThere's a curious phenomenon in Antarctica that only a few have probably heard of; Emerald ...
The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most puzzling ancient structures on the ...
The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) was launched into space and on its journey toward Mars ...
Seeing UFOs today may not seem like that much of an occurrence. UFO sightings have ...
Taking photographs in space must be a fascinating experience. Not just because you get to ...
U.F.O.s are a hotly debated topic, or a least they've become one in a society ...
A documentary available on Amazon Prime titled 'Bible Conspiracies' has made controversial claims suggesting that ...
Recently processed data from NASA's Galileo orbiter have allowed spectacular video sequences to be produced ...