Scientific Study Predicts Upcoming Global Catastrophe
The Ecological Threat Register for 2020, published in September of 2020, received a wide response ...
The Ecological Threat Register for 2020, published in September of 2020, received a wide response ...
When the European settlers of North America first set out west, they discovered strange earth ...
Due to China's relative secrecy, any find, especially an unexpected one obtained as a result ...
Covering more than 71% of the planet, the Еarth's oceans are rugged and unexplored. We ...
Tutankhamun's subjects regarded him partly as a god and partly as a man. In 1323 ...
The countless mysteries and beauties of Asia have always attracted us, the Western people, with ...
Throughout history, countless ancient cities have been built across the globe. Some of these cities ...
One of the most impressive National Parks on Earth is Chiribiquete, dubbed the Amazonian Sistine ...
In the Middle Ages, the Viking Ulfberht swords were probably considered something of an elite ...
Humans have been creating weapons since time immemorial, but have you ever thought about the ...
We often forget the innovations that changed the world and speeded the wheel of time ...
These ancient Mesoamerican civilizations had some of the most unique cultures in history and built ...
Thousands of years ago, humankind erected mind-boggling ancient structures. Many of these monuments have fascinated ...
The exact number of written languages used in the ancient world will forever remain a ...
History remembers Hernan Cortes as the most ruthless of all Spanish conquistadors. Historians often criticize ...
Could you imagine that there are over 7000 languages in use today? At least, that ...
Throughout our planet's long history, countless civilizations have risen and fallen. Yet, they left a ...
Our planet is so far the most unique in the universe since it's the only ...
Around 13,000 years ago, before the invention of technologies such as the wheel, the pulley, ...
July 2020 marks 75 years since humankind detonated the first atomic bomb in history in ...
A group of scientists has detected four mysterious objects in deep space that are said ...
If you were to ask how many continents the Earth has, what would you say, ...
The Clementinum library in the Czech Republic is one of the most beautiful libraries in ...
Throughout the long history of the human race, different cultures living on distant continents built ...