10 Ancient Egyptian Megastructures You Probably Didn’t Know About
Everyone thinks of the Pyramids of Giza or the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. ...
Everyone thinks of the Pyramids of Giza or the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. ...
The existence of UFOs has more or less become a fact now that US Navy ...
Scientists have finally turned their attention back to an old UFO video from 2013, captured ...
Hidden in the Yucatan rainforest are many ancient structures, many of which were built thousands ...
Among ancient civilizations such as the Maya, Aztec, and other pre-Hispanic cultures, Kukulkan (Quetzalcoatl) is ...
The ability to create and use tools was a defining mark in the evolution of ...
When archaeologists discovered the Shigir Idol more than 100 years ago, it was impossible to ...
Humankind has been trying to find evidence of the existence of aliens for several centuries, ...
Descriptions of giants are common in religious books and historical texts around the world, including ...
Every person has thought about how our ancestors lived, what they thought about, and what ...
The story of the Three Wise Men is told in the New Testament - in ...
Scientists have noticed that many ancient Egyptian pharaoh statues lack noses. At first, it was ...
After the death of a Roman emperor, it was time for his apotheosis. This was the ...
Ancient Egypt has attracted people from all over the world for centuries. Seekers of mysterious ...
More and more convincing evidence found over the last two or three decades proves that ...
As the best-selling author and researcher Graham Hancock explains in his book "Magicians of the ...
Some 5,000 years ago, ancient people living in what is now England dragged massive megalithic ...
Why do humans deify objects, individuals, or nonexistent subjects of their imagination? Why did ancient ...
In Southern Peru, hundreds of geoglyphs adorn the surface of the Nazca Desert. Protected from ...
Eye captivating obelisks built by ancient Egyptian kings still cause awe and wonder among Egyptologists, ...
The Yucatan Peninsula was once inhabited by some of the most advanced Pre-Colombian Mesoamerican civilizations. ...
LiDAR Technology Helps Reveal Two Lost Ancient Maya Cities in Mexico Technology is helping archeologists ...
Could a long-lost, Altnatis-like mother civilization exist on Earth tens of thousands of years ago, ...
I do not understand at all why the historical significance of Peru is often overlooked ...