12,800-Year-Old Settlement Destroyed by Massive Cosmic Impact
A group of researchers has discovered conclusive evidence of a cosmic impact that most likely ...
A group of researchers has discovered conclusive evidence of a cosmic impact that most likely ...
Here are the alleged predictions for the year 2020 of a man who is dubbed ...
The truly gigantic size of the pyramids of Giza is hard to describe. The three ...
A turtle, the size of a car, dubbed Stupendemys Geographicus, is thought to have been ...
According to legends, the largest pyramid on the planet's surface was built by one of ...
Scientists from Russia may have finally found a satisfactory answer to the enigmatic series of ...
The discovery of four ancient skulls in Mexico offers a new, unpreceded story about the ...
There is a geographical area in the shape of an equilateral triangle in the Atlantic ...
Thousands of years ago, for reasons we are still unable to understand, cultures worldwide erected ...
Is it possible that thousands of years ago, perhaps at a time when history as ...
The Egyptian pyramids are by far some of the most popular ancient structures on the ...
Throughout the long history of the human race, different cultures living on distant continents built ...
There are pyramids scattered all across the globe. Some of these pyramids are massive; others ...
Nostradamus is said to have accurately predicted many important--somewhat terrifying--events in the history of mankind. ...
Many people worldwide believe that people such as Nostradamus, Baba Vanga—often referred to as the ...
Once the news about the US air attack that ended the life of Iranian General ...
How do we know how old some of the pyramids on Earth are? It’s a ...
Nostradamus and Baba Vanga are two of the most famous and well-known seers of the ...
Mainstream Egyptologists generally agree that Pharaoh Khufu built the Great Pyramid of Giza as his ...
Beneath the heart of Mexico City, a group of archaeologists has unearthed a terrifying tower. ...
What if thousands of years ago, long before the first ancient civilizations developed and walked ...
Thousands of mystery holes have been discovered on the seafloor after deep-sea surveys. The Earth's ...
It may not be close to as big as the Great Pyramid of Giza. However, ...
For those that believe in people with the ability to foresee the future, the most ...