If UFOs Are Really Alien Spacecraft, Then What Are They Doing on Earth?
The mysteries surrounding UFOs have always excited people. It is difficult to find a problem ...
The mysteries surrounding UFOs have always excited people. It is difficult to find a problem ...
As a child, Jean Champollion was a miracle. He learned to read at an incredibly ...
I have been saying that a fine line divides mythology from facts for quite some ...
Several Southeastern tribes have long said that their ancestors received immigrants from Mesoamerica and that ...
Theoretical evidence for the existence of ancient American cultures that predated the previously known civilizations ...
What are some of your favorite ancient places in Peru? “It’s an irritating reality that ...
The Ecological Threat Register for 2020, published in September of 2020, received a wide response ...
The Paracas Textile creations are among the most exquisite treasures found from the pre-Colombian period ...
"Sometimes I'll pick up the "heart of the jungle" fossil on my bookshelf, or pull ...
The culture of Paracas was one of the first complex societies known in South America. ...
For most, the summer and winter solstices are nothing more than regular days that mark ...
Due to China's relative secrecy, any find, especially an unexpected one obtained as a result ...
Covering more than 71% of the planet, the Еarth's oceans are rugged and unexplored. We ...
In 2018, vice-president Mike Pence announced that the U.S. government plans to create a brand ...
The thirteen towers of Chanquillo are considered the oldest astronomical complex in the Americas. Thousands ...
What exactly is reality? And how do we define it? Is everything around us real? ...
If you ask anyone which ancient monument impresses him the most, chances are they will ...
The idea that alien life exists elsewhere in the universe--even our solar system--is more powerful ...
At a depth of 25 meters off the coast of the western Japanese island of ...
One of the most impressive National Parks on Earth is Chiribiquete, dubbed the Amazonian Sistine ...
Thousands of years ago, cultures around the globe worshipped the sun. This is no surprise ...
Smallpox was one of the deadliest diseases in history before it was eradicated in the ...
In the Middle Ages, the Viking Ulfberht swords were probably considered something of an elite ...
Drones and special types of photography are helping scientists make incredible discoveries, like long-lost astronomical ...